Before you can send or receive email, you must make sure you have your e-mail accounts are setup to tell doogiePIM how to connect to your e-mail provider to access the messages.
See Managing E-mail Accounts for more information.
After setting up your accounts you can send or receive e-mail.
To Receive e-mail or check for new messages
Click on main toolbar icon
click on the down arrow if you want to check a single specific account, or
Choose form the main menu "File/Check for New Mail/..." choose an account or select Check All Accounts.
doogiePIM will then display an animated dialog window with a gauge bar to show the progress.
After doogiePIM has finished checking the server, you will notice a popup little window that appears in the bottom right hand side of your desktop (above the system tray). This is just a little status reminder to say how many messages there are (if any), any error messages are displayed here, eg: when the server cannot be connected to.
Click on the X to close the little popup message or leave it and it will go away by itself after 30 seconds.
If you would like doogiePIM to check your messages every 15 minutes or so, you can set that up in the Settings and Preferences
To Send Email
Sending email involves either composing a new email message or replying to an existing message.
See Replying and Composing for more information.
In the email message there are commands to send the message that you have on screen in the email message editor.
In the email message editor
Click on main toolbar icon
click on the arrow if you want to send the message using a single specific account, or
Choose from the message main menu "File/Send Message Now/..." choose an account or select Send With Appropriate Account. (this is based on the "From (Sender)" email address you've entered. or
Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+S
doogiePIM will then display a similar animated dialog to the checking mail, with a gauge bar to show the progress. After the mail has been sent or there's an error the little popup alert window will advise accordingly.
The Outbox
There are times when your message won't send. Perhaps due to the Internet going down, your provider's server timed-out or leaves on the line. In this case, instead of the message going to the Sent folder, the message goes to the Outbox folder for sending later.
To send a message from the Outbox
Open the Outbox by selecting it on the Navigator
Find the message you wish to send by selecting it
From the main menu, choose Messages/Send selected mail
If successful, the message will automatically move to the Sent folder.
If an error occurred, the message will stay in the Outbox. Simply try later when you have a better connection.
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